Monday, March 30, 2009

Practice Yo Wii Throwies

Nintendo’s non-traditional interface for the Wii console lends itself to any number of odd controller hacks and designs, and the latest is this prototype Wiispray can. Part of Martin Lihs’ final thesis at Bauhaus-University in Weimar, Germany, the can-style casing contains a dismembered Wiimote coupled to a nozzle button. It can be used to manipulate an on-screen virtual spraycan, with different paints and color options that are controlled by realistic graffiti movements. Wiispray prototype

Although still early in the development process, it suggests another type of game platform and a fresh twist on the tired “art” app. The success of custom controllers for specific titles suggests that gamers are interested in a more realistic interaction than permitted by a standard joypad. Lihs plans to integrate a communal wall for collaborative graffiti in the eventual software title, that would allow ‘players’ to work on the same art project. Rather than a specially designed can, though, it would seem easier to make a Wiispray ‘caddy’ into which the Wiimote could slot. Some clever thinking could link the nozzle button to one of the Wiimote’s controls via mechanical rather than electrical means; price would also be reduced.
Source: Core77

Now my comment on the subject. The creater, this Martin Lihs’ is talented. It looks official and it probably feels nice when testing it up to the Wii. The Good and Bad... If it hits marketing, it'll most likely bring in alot more toys to the scene. For those with graffiti base businesses or productions this is not bad at all. For those who are out there getting played by toy ass niggas, it STILL shouldnt matter... Your you, you should be racking smarter, bombing smarter ,progressing faster. This WiiSpray can ALSO take a few of them pussy ass toys off the street keeping them busy with the new game releases. Keeping them occupied and off the streets and out of your way with everyone happy. You get your walls, they get their name out on da Wii.
Don't get it twisted, I would defendently give this modded control a try.... But we all know the mayor would not allow such material get produced due to the weights of tryna keep graffiti off the street. lol. holla.


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Graffiti Hang Over 2

Friday, March 6, 2009

Alphabeta March 21st

ahhh... up to you..